Gentle/Beginners Pilates

A gentle and beginners level class suitable for those recovering from injuries or wanting to work at a more relaxed and gentle pace.

This fitness class focuses on mind and body; as you improve core-strength and flexibility you will notice improvements in posture, reduced pain and a sense of physical and mental relaxation. New clients should contact Amie before booking to ensure suitability of class and spaces in the class.

Estilo: Traditional Pilates
Niveles de habilidad: Principiantes
Costo: 5,00 GBP (Pound Sterling)


Jueves: 10:30:00 - 11:20:00


Bratton Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton, England, BA13 4RN, Reino Unido

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Ultima actualización 29 de Septiembre de 2019 a las 19:15 UTC

Amie Hawker Dance and Pilates

Calificaciones: Other Recognized Pilates Qualification
Teléfono: 07738449245
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Contacto Amie Hawker Dance and Pilates

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